The Nebenführ Lab - Molecular Cell Biology of Plants

The following files are provided as supplementary material to our publication:

A. Hoffmann, A.Nebenführ (2004)
Dynamic rearrangements of transvacuolar strands in BY-2 cells imply a role of myosin in remodeling the plant actin cytoskeleton
Protoplasma 224:201-210. [abstract] [pdf, 250kB]

Viewing the videos requires Quicktime software, which is available at no cost from Apple.

Supplementary Material:

Movie S1:

Time-lapse movie showing the dynamic rearrangement of TVS in a living BY-2 cell (cell 1). Individual DIC images were captured at 30s intervals. Time points are shown on the lower left. File format and size: Quicktime, 1.1MB.

Movie S2:

Time-lapse movie showing the inhibitory effect of BDM on TVS dynamics. Same cell as in S1. Individual DIC images were captured at 30s intervals. Time points are shown on the lower left; black numbers indicate regular MS medium, white numbers indicate the presence of 40mM BDM. File format and size: Quicktime, 1.6MB.

Movie S3:

Time-lapse movie showing the dynamic rearrangement of TVS in a living BY-2 cell (cell 2). Individual DIC images were captured at 30s intervals. Time points are shown on the lower left. File format and size: Quicktime, 2MB.

Movie S4:

Time-lapse movie showing the inhibitory effect of BDM on TVS dynamics. Same cell as in S3. Individual DIC images were captured at 30s intervals. Time points are shown on the lower left; black numbers indicate regular MS medium, white numbers indicate the presence of 40mM BDM. File format and size: Quicktime, 2MB.